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The Adventures of Tintin: Destination Moon Book Review

Destination Moon provides for what is simply a riveting and immersive experience, that ties the best aspects of the series: humor, characters, and story, for an experience that you won't soon begin, while also functioning as a proper set-up for its sequel, Explorers on the Moon.

Destination Moon features all the famously known Tintin characters such as: Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus, and Thompson and Thomson. It all brings in some new characters including a scientist, who is an assistant to the professor, and the head of a space exploration organization. It's quite simply the most immersive story to date. It sucks you into its story through ingenious plot developing, characterization, and beautiful and classic cartoonish art. It doesn't have a satisfying ending, though, which is probably my biggest issue, but it's made up for with its sequel Explorers on the Moon, which I will be reviewing very soon. Score: 9.1 out of 10.

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