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Star Wars Battlefront EA Review

Star Wars Battlefront has been one of the most anticipated and one of the most of a let down for most, but that is not the case for me. I LOVED Star Wars Battlefront! Mind you there are some gameplay problems but overall it's a grand and great game, that has currently received three nominations finalist awards.

First the game looks stunning, this undoubtedly one of the best looking games of all time. The models look stunning as well, and the sound designs are fantastic. Next the gameplay is fun and frantic, it isn't all about the blaster action as more about how you use the various Star Cards which are your power ups. Mind that, it still is primarily blaster violence, but it isn't fully powered with it like Gears of War was. One of the biggest flaws here is that you die in the multiplayer far too fast. It really doesn't matter about what blaster you have more about who can pull the right trigger first. I would to also have seen some sort of cover mechanics, perhaps we can feature that in Star Wars Battlefront EA 2? But these all fall down with the excellent multiplayer, the single player may not contain much but the multiplayer is hearty full of content overall, Star Wars Battlefront is a beautiful game with fun content. It receives an amazing 9.1 out of 10.

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